CV guarantee
We are extremely confident that the service we provide is of the highest standard, and are therefore happy to offer the most comprehensive guarantee you will find within the CV writing service sector.

Our guarantee includes:
  • Money back promise
  • Your complete satisfaction

Full details are listed below

It would be commercial suicide for us to offer the strongest guarantee in the CV writing business if we were not so confident in the superior quality of our CVs, but we have complete faith in our product and are happy to put our money where our mouth is


Guarantee Details
First and foremost, we do not believe that it is possible for you to get a better CV anywhere else than right here at CV Consultants. Consequently, if you order one of our CVs and somehow subsequently manage to get an even better one from a different CV company then once we have recovered from the shock we will be happy to give you your money back*

Not only that, but we also offer a full no quibble money back guarantee should you change your mind about using our service before we start work. Moreover, if that isn't enough we are also happy to guarantee improvements and free updates to your CV within our tried and tested format until you are entirely satisfied.

We are very happy to offer such a comprehensive guarantee, firstly because we have seen CVs that our competitors produce, and do not believe that they compare with our CVs in terms of quality and effectiveness. And secondly we know that our CVs are proven to work, and we know just how delighted our clients are with our services.

Please click for 100% genuine testimonies from just some of our many satisfied clients

* Please note that by 'better CV' we mean the CV as the whole. Some companies are quite good at improving presentation and the look of your CV, whilst other companies can improve your wording and content. However, very few companies excel at improving every single aspect of your CV enough to provide you with a fit for purpose job-winning document. Our consultants, on the other hand, have vast experience, are masters degree qualified, and not only have a great deal of natural talent but also have writing backgrounds. We do not employ just any consultant, and we do not believe you can get a better quality all-round CV anywhere else. Moreover, we have enough faith in our ability to actually back this up with the strongest guarantee in the CV writing sector. If other companies were as confident about their ability as we are, then they too would offer such a guarantee. The truth of the matter however, is that many companies who are quick to make claims as to the quality of their CVs on their websites, are reluctant to back these claims up with a solid guarantee - unlike us!

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