CV Examples

Many CV writing companies deliberately avoid giving examples of their CVs on their website. Similarly, the vast majority of CV writing companies do not divulge their CV writing methods. This may well be because their methods are lacking and their CVs are inferior quality. Almost certainly, if they had CVs worth showing they would display these on their website. The fact that they do not is spurious at the very least.

Unlike most CV writing companies we are completely transparent and not only provide a examples of our work but also are happy to describe our proven tried and tested in-house methods. So while some companies seem to have something to hide, we most certainly do not. We are a company you can have complete faith in and can trust to write you the best possible CV.

CV Example Warning!
If you are looking for a

CV example

     in order to use as a template for your own CV then you should be aware that whilst a CV example can give you an idea of how to make your CV look, the format and presentation are just two factors among many which contribute to professional standard CVs. Significantly, presentation is not as important as the actual wording, direction and content of your CV.          

If you are really serious about landing a particular job, then the best way to do this is to ensure that every last aspect of your CV is as perfect as possible. The only way to do this is to be original and treat your own particular circumstances and the job in question individually. If you try taking short cuts by using a CV example then you will almost certainly end up with a CV that is not as strong as a professionally written original CV. This is significant because you do not know who you are competing against. Increasingly, job applicants are using the services of professional CV writers to give them an advantage.

Of course, many people do use CV examples to help them write to their own CV. However, you should bear in mind that you have a far better chance of landing your target job with an original, professionally written CV than you do with a DIY CV. Depending on who you listen to it is estimated that your chances of landing a better job increase on average four to six times should you use professional CV writing services. We actually disagree with this. Firstly, statistics are misleading, and organisations who produce such statistics usually have no real research to back them up, so they are frequently more of a hunch than fact. And secondly it really depends on who is doing the writing! And the better the CV writing company the better your odds. Whilst it is impossible to actually quantify what the figure is in reality, we do agree that if you use a professional CV service then your odds should improve, but we actually think that if you use a top quality company then the figure should be much higher - but that is based on our own experience and the feedback we receive from our own clients. Please feel free to view an

example of a good CV

below. Our own research shows that concise, legible, pertinent and proactive CVs are far more effective in the job market than longer and more cluttered alternatives which are not optimised for the job in question. Whilst the sample below is just an example, and would be different to yours, at the very least it should give you an idea of the format which came top in our extensive tests and research. It is extremely popular with clients and well perceived by employers. Significantly, our CVs are proven to get real results for people like you in the job market.

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One of Our CV Examples
Firstly here is an example of the type of CV we produce. Please note that the example shown only includes the first (and not subsequent) page(s). However, it should give you a good idea of the type of the CV we can produce for you. Please note too that whilst this CV is for a senior account manager, we are experts in writing CVs for all levels and professions in all career sectors including student/graduate CVs, entry level CVs, mid-career CVs, career change CVs, manager CVs, senior manager CVs, executive CVs and more. In fact, we can write a top quality CV for you for whichever job you wish to land, regardless of your current level or the career sector you work in. We have an outstanding track record and genuinely believe you will not find a better service anywhere else (including companies who charge more) - Our CVs are true investments and represent outstanding value for money considering their superior


and the real advantages we can give you in the job market.

Example of a good CV

Example CV

This is an example of one of our one page CVs.
Whilst our one page CVs are extremely popular with our clients, the actual length of your CV can vary depending upon your own individual requirements and your own particular circumstances.

This particular CV example is for a senior account manager. Your own individual CV would be worded differently and tailored to your own personal circumstances. It would also be optimised specifically for you to help you land your own specific target job.

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CV Examples From Other Companies
Many CV companies do not give you examples of their CVs on their website. Just as many CV companies also purposely fail to disclose the qualifications of their consultants. In a lot of cases there is a simple reason for this; namely that their consultants and CVs are not up to standard, and they would prefer that you buy blind rather than advertise this fact. If they had nothing to hide then such companies would surely publicise both their CVs and the qualifications of their consultants in the first place.

At CV we believe we have the best master's degree qualified consultants in the business, producing the most effective job-winning CVs you will find anywhere.

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CV Templates

Unlike most other CV companies who put your CV in a rather poor format and expect you to lump it; by default we not only put your CV in a superior quality format which is tried and tested to land jobs, but we are also happy to give you a choice of quality CV templates should you wish to try a variation.

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CV Improvements
When you order one of our CV consultancy services we analyse your CV word for word and use our experience and expertise to make any necessary revisions. Most people are extremely surprised to discover just how many improvements we make. For example, we not only improve grammar, presentation, and format, we also optimise the content, direction and the way everything is worded to bring out your qualities in the eyes of a prospective employer. In fact, unlike other companies if need be we go far beyond just basic touching up and are prepared to add whole new sections or restructure whole parts of your CV completely if it will improve your CV. We do whatever it takes to help you land your target job!

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How we create top quality job-winning CVs
Most CV companies do not advertise their CV writing method, because they do not have a structured method (and it shows)! We not only have a tried and tested method which is consistently proven to work and get results, but unlike other companies we are also happy to advertise it. Please feel free to click here for details.

We are very proud of the high quality CVs we create. It is no coincidence that we have many highly satisfied clients as we spend a great deal of consideration, time and effort on every CV. Unlike other companies we go the extra mile to create tailored CVs which are just right for each client.

Feel free to view some of our 100% genuine testimonies

Alternatively, if you have heard enough and want to order your superior quality CV then we will be happy to help you.

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