Q. Do your CVs work?
A. Whilst no CV company can guarantee jobs, we have an outstanding track record and a 100% genuine testimonials section which is second to none. Indeed, many of our clients have told us our CV has worked for them. We also always have a long waiting list without paying for any advertisements. This is a unique accomplishment in the CV sector and this would not happen if we did not regularly get results for highly satisfied clients.

Q. Can you improve my CV?
A. Yes! In all our time we have never once received a CV which we could not improve. Indeed, most clients are extremely surprised to see just how many improvements we actually make.

Q. Why don’t you pay for any advertising?
A. Firstly, we don’t need to. Our reputation is outstanding, so much so that clients tend to come to us rather than the other way around, and many from personal recommendations. Secondly, we deliberately do not advertise to purposely restrict the number of orders we receive. Top quality CVs cannot be rushed, and if we didn’t limit the amount of orders we received then the only way of completing the orders would be to compromise on quality. As we are not one of those large CV writing factories, and our ethos has always been quality rather than quantity we would rather lose orders than compromise on quality.

Q. What qualifications and experience do your consultants have?
A. Our senior consultants are master’s degree qualified, with genuine writing backgrounds and have vast CV writing experience working for clients all over the world. We are very fortunate to have such highly skilled and talented writers and are confident that they are the best in the business.

Q. Who do you work for?
A. We regularly help clients from the UK and indeed all corners of the globe. Our clients work in all sectors, and at all levels from junior positions right up to MDs and CEOs of large multinational companies.

Q. What services do you offer and what are the prices?
A. Prices depend on the service you require. Full details are on our services page.

Q. Why are the CV prices so high?
A. Everything is relative and you get what you pay for. We genuinely believe you will not get a better CV anywhere else (including those CVs which cost more). We have the best writers who are at the top of their profession and pay them the going rate. Yes, you can get an inferior service for less money, but you only get one shot at good jobs and if you miss out because you didn't have the best possible CV then it is a false economy. Many of our clients consider our CVs outstanding value for money, and an excellent investment.

Q. Are there any extra costs?
A. No. You pay the price for the service advertised and no more. Similarly, if subsequently you want to order an extra service all you need do is pay the price which is advertised and no more.

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Q. Do you offer discounts?
A. Our prices are already extremely good value for money considering the expertise of our writers and the quality of the CVs we write. So no, we do not offer discounts. However, certain discounts do apply when you buy multiple items at the same time. For example, if you buy a cover letter at the same time as your CV then you automatically receive a £10 discount.

Q. Why do you charge payment in advance?
A. This is standard industry practice and basically we need to do it to ensure we receive payment. We did actually try allowing clients to pay afterwards at one stage, but it proved unworkable.

Q. What payment methods do you accept?
A. We accept credit/debit cards, PayPal, bank wire, and UK cheque. Please note however that if you pay by cheque or bank wire your order may be delayed by the time it takes your transaction to clear.

Q. How long does the CV take?
A. Some companies offer extremely quick turnarounds. We don't do this. Yes, we could produce something in a few hours, but it wouldn't be as good and at the end of the day you are better off with a top-quality CV rather than the quickest one. We are upfront enough to tell clients this (even though we know we will lose orders by being honest enough to say so). CV Consultants is no ordinary company; we always have a waiting list, and we almost certainly spend far longer writing each CV than any other company. What this means is that our CVs writing process is not the quickest. However, we are confident that it is the best and this is the most important thing. Moreover, if you are in a particular hurry and want us to work your deadline we do offer an optional extra priority service. If you would like to know current delivery estimates please feel free to contact us.

Q. What is the process?
A. Once you place your order your consultant will be in touch to tell you what we need. In most cases this is your CV, details of the job (or job type) you are targeting, plus anything else that you consider pertinent. Once your consultant has examined everything he/she will determine whether or not we need more information. If we do we will tell you what we need. Once we have everything we will simply get on with the job and e-mail you your CV in MS Word format once it is complete.

Q. What if I don't have a CV?
A. No problem, we can create one for you from scratch. Once you order your consultant will tell you what we need.

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Q. Who will my consultant be?
A. Your consultant will be assigned to you only after you place your order. He/she is highly experienced and will contact you soon after you order.

Q. Can I contact you after you have already started work?
A. Certainly.

Q. I have a job specification, can you optimise the CV to that?
A. Certainly, we do just that on a regular basis for clients.

Q. What is your consultation method?
A. All of our consultants prefer e-mail, there are very good professional reasons for this, and these are summarised below. At the same time, some of our consultants do offer telephone consultations.

Email is far more reliable than telephone consultations. With e-mail you can take your time and tell us everything you need to tell us, and then we have everything in black and white to refer to when it comes to the all-important writing process. With telephone conversations things are missed by both parties, and it's all very messy and nowhere near as reliable. At the end of the day the day we are dealing with a written document and accuracy and clarification is important. We could probably charge clients more money if we conducted every consultation by telephone. However, this wouldn't be fair on the clients because effectively we would be charging them more for something which would probably be less comprehensive, less accurate, and ultimately less useful.

Q. Do you offer refunds?
A. If you wish to cancel your order before we start writing then we offer a full refund. If you cancel your order after we have started writing we offer a partial refund, and the amount will depend upon the amount of work already undertaken. No refunds are given once we have sent out your CV.

Q. What if I need any alterations?
A. Whilst in theory clients can come to us with queries about e.g. changes to wording, in practice this very rarely happens because we don't send out your CV until it is ready. That said, if you do feel something needs changing then simply e-mail your consultant with your observations and he/she can look into it. If need be he/she can make amendments within our CV format.

Q. Do you offer cover letter services?
A. Yes we do. Please see our services page.

Q. Do you offer job interview preparation services?
A. Yes we do. Please see our job interview preparation page.

Q. Do you write CVs in any other language than English?
A. No, even though we do have linguists in our team (for example Paul speaks French), when it comes to writing we stick to English. That said, in the past we have had CVs professionally translated for clients who wanted them translating.

Q. Would you be able to translate my CV into another language?
A. We wouldn't do it ourselves, but we have done this for clients in the past and can assign a professional translator to translate it for you at a reasonable price.

Q. Do you offer a service to save the CV to a CD?
A. We are honest enough to mention that these days it is not really necessary as employers usually don't ask for your CV in CD format, and most people just store their CV on their hard drive rather than a CD. However, if it is something you really want then we can do this for you for a small extra fee. Please click for details

Q. Do you offer a service to print my CV?
A. We can print your CV on high quality paper for you on a laser printer for you for small fee. Click for details.

Q. I have a website. Can I link to yours?
A. By all means please do.

Q. Do you guarantee jobs?
A. No CV writing company can guarantee that you will land the job you are applying for. There are just too many factors and variables at play to give cast-iron assurances. That said, we can certainly guarantee improvements to your original CV, which in turn should help your prospects.

Q. What improvements do you make?
A. Each CV is different, so it really depends on your CV. However, superficial amendments are rarely very effective. So we are not one of those companies who just brushes up your spelling, grammar and presentation and nothing else. For the best results you really need to take a holistic approach and do whatever it takes to improve your chances of landing the job you seek. Often this involves many improvements, major restructuring, or even completely rewriting your CV from scratch. We don't just make your CV look a lot prettier, we actually go a lot further than that and work on a wide range of things such as strengthening your message, targeting the job in question, selling your skills and much more besides. Most of our clients are (more than) pleasantly surprised at just how many improvements we make for them.

Q. How can I contact you?
A. You can contact us via any of a variety of methods listed on our contacts page.

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