Senior CV Consultants

Our senior consultants take considerable pride in the high standard of their work and are extremely thorough as well as highly skilled and very knowledgeable. They have extremely high standards and spend a great deal of time and effort meticulously improving each and every CV.

Together they have developed very successful in-house methods which produce top quality, personally tailored CVs time and time again.


Paul is educated to Master's level, has a strong writing background and is regularly in demand for CV/job/career advice. Paul specialises in executive CVs and in addition to his ground-breaking CV book, has both authored numerous articles and advised on CVs in the press and on the BBC.

See more about Paul’s service


Kathie too is educated to master's level and has further qualifications and a background in English journalism as well as considerable creative writing and CV writing experience.



Gráinne also has a master’s degree – in work & organisational psychology. As a vastly experienced recruitment and HR specialist she has interviewed thousands of people, understands what employers want, and creates CVs that speak to employers and get results.

Gráinne is also an experienced coach and is passionate about helping people work through challenges to identify and achieve career changes that can positively impact on their lives


With degrees in engineering, operations research and statistics, and over 40 years' experience in IT and management consultancy, Norman has a wide professional experience in different fields.

Click to read some of the comments our highly satisfied clients have said about the work of our highly skilled consultants

As a result of their expertise and dedication our consultants are very much in demand. If you would like them to help you improve your career prospects then simply book via our CV services page and we will be happy to help you.

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