What is a Covering Letter?

Effectively "covering letter" is exactly the same as a cover letter it is just a different name for one.

Some people prefer to use the term "covering letter", but it really it is interchangeable with the term  “cover letter.”

More information is provided below


Advice and further information on covering letters

Typically people use covering letters for job applications. Traditionally, All covering letters were in paper format. However, these days, increasingly people insert their covering letter and the body of their e-mail when they are applying for jobs online.

Purpose of a covering letter

The main purpose of a covering letter is to entice the employer to read the candidate’s CV. If your covering letter is too long, weak in anyway, or doesn't seem attractive enough, then the risk is that the employer will not read it. Consequently, you need to make sure that your covering letter is concise, strong and relevant.

How to write a covering letter

Click here for more tips and advice

About the author
This article is based on extracts from a comprehensive curriculum vitae book by Paul Hichens, our head CV writer.
Reproduction is prohibited without prior consent.

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The above curriculum vitae advice is taken in parts from a comprehensive CV book written by one of our senior consultants, Paul.
You can read more about curriculum vitaes, and a lot more besides in Paul's book.

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