While they are not obligatory job interviews thank you letters can be advantageous, especially in situations where the job decision is tight and is between the final two candidates.

Listed below is more information on job interview thank you letters as well as ordering details

If you have used our CV Services to greatly improve your CV you will have a far greater chance of landing job interviews. If so the best way to prepare for your job interview is to use our job interview preparation service. Once you have had your job interview it is often a good idea to send a job interview thank you letter to the employer to thank them for the interview and to emphasise your candidature.



Job interview thank you letters are not obligatory, or essential (regardless of what some people say). If you are clearly the best candidate for the job then you will probably get the job regardless of whether or not you send a thank you letter.

The advantage of sending a thank you letter applies mostly in cases where there are one or more candidates besides yourself who made a similar impression on the employer. If the employer is having trouble deciding who to choose then a well worded thank you letter could be enough to sway the balance and get you the job. Of course you can't just send any thank you letter, you need to know what to include and importantly what to omit. We have seen examples of some thank you letters which would do you more harm than good if you sent them.

Writing good job interview thank you letters is a skill in itself but fortunately our consultants can help you.

When to send your letter

It is usually advisable to send your letter soon after your interview, ideally within 24 hours.
This being so it is sometimes advisable to order your thank you letter before you have your interview

Ordering Your Job Interview Thank You Letter

Prices for your own personally tailored professionally drafted thank you letter start from just £25

(Please note that whilst we do manage to complete most 24 hour orders on time, this cannot be guaranteed. We do offer a full refund however if we cannot complete in time)

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