Career Prospects

The Best Investment You'll Ever Make?
We can't say for sure that your CV Consultants CV will be the best investment you'll ever make, but it could be! We know from our research and feedback that our CVs work. They can dramatically improve your chances of interview, and ultimately your chances of landing your dream job.

We take quality seriously. Please see some of our 100% genuine testimonials from some of our many satisfied customers.

Improving the odds

Some CV companies guarantee the earth but deliver very little in reality. Whatever anyone says no CV can guarantee you a job. Unlike some other companies we don't state this anywhere on our site because it just isn't true.

However, what a well worded, optimised, specifically targeted CV can do for you though is to improve the odds of you landing your dream job.


How we can help you

We receive a great many CVs. Some are completely error-strewn and very poorly presented. At the other end of the scale we occasionally receive very good CVs to improve yet further. However the vast majority of the CVs we receive fall within the 'average' or 'OK' bracket.

If you are one of the vast majority and have an average CV it doesn't mean to say that you won't get interviews; on the contrary, people still land interviews with average CVs.

The main stumbling block comes when you apply for a job and come up against a candidate or candidates with professionally revised CVs, or even just slightly better CVs than yours. This can happen for any job but is increasingly common the higher you go up the career ladder. To get a foothold on the ladder and work your way to the top you need to be able to compete, or better still out-do the other applicants. Even if you are the best candidate for the job, if your CV isn't the best one the employer receives you could well miss out on your dream job.

As stated, no one can guarantee you a job just from your CV. However what we can say, in all confidence, is that your chances of landing an interview (& ultimately the job of your dreams) increase dramatically if you have a high quality CV such as the superior quality CVs we create using our specially developed own in-house method.

That is where we come in. We can't guarantee you a job, but we can certainly dramatically improve your chances of getting more interviews. After that it is up to you and your interview technique. But in order to land an interview in the first place you need to improve your odds, and the best way to improve your odds is to improve your CV. Admittedly we are slightly biased but we also genuinely believe that you will not get a better CV anywhere else. We also genuinely believe you won't get better value for money elsewhere either

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