cv value

Value for Money

CVs are subjective to a certain degree but we genuinely believe that we produce the very highest quality CVs at very reasonable rates considering the superior quality.

The Best Investment You'll Ever Make?
We can't say for sure that your CV Consultancy CV will be the best investment you'll ever make, but it could be! We know from our research and feedback that our CVs work. They can dramatically improve your chances of interview, and ultimately your chances of landing your dream job.

Excellent Value

We are confident that we can offer you the best value for money service in the CV writing industry. Indeed, we have been told by some of our clients that the CVs we write are far more effective than more expensive CVs they originally purchased elsewhere.

"The cost is worth every penny" - Anthony Emsley, Leeds


Superior Quality
CV quality is subjective to a certain extent. Nevertheless we have been told, and genuinely believe that our CVs are superior quality to those which you can find elsewhere.

You needn't just take our word for it please see some of our 100% genuine testimonials from some of our many satisfied customers.

Some of our competitors do offer a cheaper service, some can even guarantee you delivery in less than 2 hours from the time you order. Given that we often take much longer than that on a typical CV we couldn't possibly guarantee such a fast turnaround. The only way it would be possible is if we compromised quality which is something we have never done, nor will we ever do.

We often spend significantly longer on each CV than is allocated by most of our main competitors, and this shows in the high quality of our CVs (in the past clients have compared our CVs with those of some competitors and have told us that our CVs are superior). We are not surprised by this as we take great pride in the quality of our service and are extremely confident about the quality of our CVs and genuinely believe you will not get better value for money elsewhere.

Masters qualified, highly experienced CV consultants
Both our Senior CV Consultants not only have considerable experience and expertise in CV writing but they also are both Masters qualified

CV writing is an undoubted skill. Some 'CV writers' know how to make basic improvements to a CV by correcting spelling & grammar and by improving presentation. A lot of CV companies offer this basic level of service. To take a CV to the next level however takes a whole lot more skill and expertise. The best CV writers have impeccable English, are accomplished creative writers, and have an in-depth understanding of recruitment as well as CVs. Moreover the best CV writers can see the wider picture and can eloquently target & optimize your CV specifically for a particular job.

Not everyone can do this. We know this because we have tried training people and the majority of people don't make the grade. Admittedly we have extremely high standards, far higher than most in fact. However, just being good at English is not enough, you need intelligence, creativity and above all natural talent.

Fortunately we are very privileged to have two exceptionally talented Senior CV Consultants working for CV Consultants, so when you order a CV CV you can rest assured that it will be given the expert attention it deserves.

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High Service Levels
We are extremely proud of the high standards of service consistently achieve. We always do whatever is necessary to produce the best possible CV, even if it means extra work for us. Our many satisfied customers know that we are prepared to 'go the extra mile' to help them.

Please see some of our 100% genuine testimonials from some of our many satisfied customers.

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