Read the following brief points to discover why.

"I got the first job I went for. Absolutely amazing!"
- Xenia Koppen, London

Q. All CV companies are the same - right?

A. Wrong!

Professional CV companies vary enormously, from the frankly dreadful to the truly exceptional, with most falling firmly in the middle.

Differences are broad and varied and include how personalised (or impersonal) the service is, how honest and transparent companies are (or not), how they go about things, how they treat customers, what guarantees they offer, value for money, and of course the quality and effectiveness of the final product.

Q. All CV companies get same results - right?

A. Wrong!

Just as in any sector, things vary, and different CV companies don't all have the same ethos, abilities, methods, recruitment policy, quality of staff, work ethic, quality control, professional pride and so on. Moreover, some are far more profit-focussed than customer/results orientated, and many companies work on a 'time is money' basis, rather than on a 'quality takes time philosophy.' As such, CV companies most certainly do not all get the same results. On the contrary, results vary enormously!

Q. All CV companies offer the same value for money- right?

A. Wrong!

A lot of people compare CV companies on a like-for-like basis, and make their final decision based on price. That is all well and good if that is what the customer wants to do. However, please just be aware that there is a major flaw in this; namely that because CV companies vary enormously in what they can do and what they can achieve, if you do make your decision on price, rather than the quality of the CV then arguably (and frequently) this works out as a false economy.

Make no mistake, people frequently miss out on better paid jobs when applying with an average or even a good CV. You only get one shot at competitive, sought-after jobs, and if you apply with anything other than your strongest possible CV you are in effect lengthening your odds of success.

The best value for money CVs are not those which cost the least. On the contrary, the best value for money CVs are the ones which land you your ideal job the quickest. Indeed, choose your CV writing company wisely and the CV isn't a cost, but a great long-term investment, that can repay itself over and over again as you climb the career ladder.

Q. All CV companies offer the same guarantee- right?

A. Wrong!

Guarantees are another thing which varies from company to company. For example, we know that we can improve upon any other professionally written CV (because we have been doing just this on a regular basis for years now), and we are the only company to guarantee to be able to improve on any other professionally written CV.

Please click here to find out more about our unique and very special guarantee. Please also read more about our methods below for more information on just why we are able to regularly fix and dramatically improve upon CVs that had been written elsewhere by other companies.

Q. All CV companies use the same methods - right?

A. Wrong!

Pretty much all CV companies use exactly the same methods that have been in place for decades. This is one reason why the vast majority of professionally written CVs look and read the same. Traditional methods are far from perfect, and don't really lend themselves to getting across the high impact sales message that you need in today's competitive job market.

Once upon a time we did use the same methods as everybody else, but over time we developed our own very special CV writing methods that have their roots in sales and marketing principles and effectively say more, but in fewer words – ultimately selling the skills of our clients in a more concentrated, focused and powerful manner. The way we write is different, and requires a higher level of skill, experience and creative writing talent than writing using traditional methods. It also takes more time, effort and attention to detail. However, given that our methods are tried and tested to get better results than traditional/standard professional CV writing techniques, the ends justify the more arduous means.

Please click here to read more about our methods.

Q. All CV companies spend the same amount of time on each CV - right?

A. Wrong!

We wish it were true, and it would be great if we wrote CVs in two hours flat like some other companies, but unfortunately top-quality inevitably does take time, and we do spend longer on our CVs than other companies. Due to this, and also because of our international reputation we do always have a waiting list.

If you want something quickly cobbled together then there are lots of companies who can accommodate that. On the other hand, if you want the best possible CV meticulously written by top experts then you have come to the right place.

Ultimately, it's your choice, but when it comes to job applications a top quality CV tends to out-trump quickly written one every time.

Q. All CV companies use experienced, highly qualified writers - right?

A. Wrong!

You would think so, but this isn't always the case.

Many professional CV companies deliberately don't give you an indication of precisely who their writers are or even how experienced or qualified they are (or not as the case may be!)

We'll leave you to work out the reason for this regular omission!

Q. All CV companies use the same writers though - right?

A. Wrong!

Although many CV companies draw from the same pool of freelancers, we certainly don't - and for very good reason! (Please see the entry above about our exacting methods and writer experience and qualifications). Please also click here to find out more about the qualifications and experience of our writers.

Even our recruitment policy is different. Please click here to discover more.

Q. All CV companies are led by leading career sector authorities - right?

A. Wrong!

If you place an order with us it is not only feasible, but actually quite likely that you will come in contact with a leading career sector author.

If you think that will happen at any other company then, er.. good luck with that!

Q. All CV company service reps are CV experts - right?

A. Wrong!

Calls to many CV companies are often dealt with by sales people. If you call or email us, on the other hand, your query will almost certainly be answered by not only a real CV expert, but a respected career sector author.

Q. All CV companies give straightforward replies to simple questions - right?

A. Wrong!

Surprisingly this isn't always the case. If you call is dealt with by a sales reps, rather than a real a CV specialist, then don't be too surprised if some responses to simple questions are rebounded, skipped over or channelled down a sales route.

Thankfully, not all companies resort to such tactics, but some do.

For our part, two of our core values are honesty and transparency, and we not only work with this in mind when we deal with customer enquiries, but also on our website. Indeed, you should find the answer to pretty much any question you have about us, our writers, out methods and our services right here on our website - and in the unlikely event you can't if you ask us we'll tell you straight!

Please feel free to explore our website, click any links, or visit our FAQs

Q. All CV companies are the same - right?

A. Wrong!

While no two CV companies are the same, the vast majority do use the same standard methods, using largely the same pool of freelancers, working on the same time is money' basis.

So while no two companies are the same, an awful lot are very similar!

We, on the other hand, are undoubtedly different. Moreover, we are different not for a USP, a sales angle, or the sake of being different. On the contrary, we are different because we care about our customers, and we want their job applications to succeed. This just isn't going to happen with a typical CV written by a freelancer using decades old methods in two hours flat. We get better results because we take our time, work to each individual customer's needs, circumstances and goals, and do the job properly using the most effective methods and the best writers in the business.

Most CV companies are pretty much the same

... Just not us!

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