cv writer

At CV consultants we do things differently. Not only have we developed our own successful in-house tried and trusted CV writing methods, but additionally we are almost certainly the most meticulous company in the business, and have the most stringent recruitment policy in the sector.

All our CV writers are highly qualified, skilled, talented and take great pride in creating top quality job-winning CVs for our clients.

CV Writer

Applying for work
as a CV CV writer

We have an excellent reputation which is growing all the time. Consequently we are currently looking for another writer to join our team of top quality CV writers. For more information please see our CV writer job page

"I got the first job I went for. Absolutely amazing!"
- Xenia Koppen, London

More CV Writer Information

Are you thinking of becoming a CV Writer?

If so the following information will give you an idea of whether or not you think you have what it takes:

What is a CV writer?

A CV writer, as the name suggests, is someone who writes CVs for a living.
In addition to CVs, writers usually provide other services too, including cover letters

What does the work involve?

Essentially, it involves ensuring the provision of a quality, professional CV writing service.

Typically the work of the CV writer involves liaison with clients to ascertain their job requirements, and then writing a CV aimed specifically at helping them land the specific job (or kind of job if they don't have a specific job in mind) that they are looking for.

Once the writer has gathered the requirements and he/she and the client are singing from the same hymn sheet, then comes the hard part - the all-important writing process!

Some clients have one specific job they want to target, whereas other clients prefer something a bit more general for a particular sector.

CV writers who work for the best companies tend to have expertise across all sectors. This doesn't come overnight, just like any other skilled profession, CV writing takes a lot of time, training and effort to perfect the art.

Are there CV writing methods to learn?

There is a lot more structure and method to CV writing than most people realise. On the one hand there is undoubtedly a creative process, and the best CV writers all have a strong creative side. On the other side of the coin, as mentioned, there is a lot of structure and method which goes into top-quality CVs too. Indeed, in some respects, it is a lot more of a science than people realise, and especially CV writing at the very highest level.

While genuine creative writing skills can be developed and honed to some degree, they are generally innate nevertheless. Yes, you can learn methods and structure given a lot of expert training, time and effort. However, most people don't have both the creative and scientific mix which is necessary for them become a top quality CV writer.

This is one reason why the best CV writers are few and far between, as well as very much in demand!

A good CV writer needs more than just excellent English, but also a great deal of intelligence, common sense, multi-sector knowledge, an excellent understanding of HR/recruitment to name just a few traits. On top of that he/she needs creativity, foresight, initiative, people skills and a lot of natural talent. Our senior CV writers also possess master's degrees, are highly creative, and have helped a great many people from all around the world improve their career prospects.

Any other tips or advice for CV Writers?

It also helps if you have a genuine desire to want to help people improve their lot.
All our CV writers regularly go the extra mile to offer a top quality service for our clients, and if you want to become a CV writer too then this is a trait you should possess.

Any other benefits?

Apart from the flexible working hours and good rates of pay for the best writers you also get great job satisfaction from helping others land better jobs and improve their career prospects.

If you think you have what it takes then please contact us


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